UN Documents for Lebanon

Selected Security Council Resolutions View All
31 August 2023 S/RES/2695 This resolution extended the mandate of UNIFIL for another year until 31 August 2024. Thirteen members voted in favour of the resolution, Russia and China abstained.
31 August 2022 S/RES/2650 This resolution extended the mandate of UNIFIL for another year until 31 August 2023.
30 August 2021 S/RES/2591 This resolution extended the mandate of UNIFIL for another year until 31 August 2022.
Selected Security Council Presidential Statements View All
1 November 2016 S/PRST/2016/15 This was a presidential statement welcoming the election of President Michel Aoun in accordance with the Lebanese constitution and stressing that the formation of a unity government and the election of a parliament by May 2017 are critical for Lebanon’s stability.
22 July 2016 S/PRST/2016/10 This was a presidential statement that stressed the importance of Lebanon's electing a president by May 2017 in order to maintain stability.
19 March 2015 S/PRST/2015/7 This presidential statement addressed several issues, including the situation along the Blue Line; the vacancy in the presidential office; and the effects of the Syrian crisis on Lebanon, including the challenges posed by hosting nearly 1.2 million refugees, and it expressed support for the LAF, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the International Support Group for Lebanon.
Selected Secretary-General's Reports View All
12 July 2024 S/2024/548 This was the most recent Secretary-General’s report on the implementation of resolution 1701.
18 April 2024 S/2024/319 This was the latest Secretary-General's report on the implementation of resolution 1559.
8 March 2024 S/2024/222 This was the most recent Secretary-General’s report on the implementation of resolution 1701.
Selected Security Council Letters View All
24 July 2024 S/2024/567 This was a letter from the Secretary-General recommending that the Council extend the mandate of UNIFIL for another year.
27 July 2023 S/2023/564 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Israel.
11 July 2023 S/2023/523 This was a letter from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of Lebanon.
Selected Security Council Meeting Records View All
19 December 2018 S/PV.8432 This was a briefing by Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix on the situation in Lebanon.
30 August 2018 S/PV.8338 The Council adopted resolution 2433 extending UNIFIL's mandate for another year.
20 April 2017 S/PV.7929 This was a quarterly Middle East open debate with Mladenov briefing.
Selected Security Council Press Statements View All
15 December 2022 SC/15142 This statement condemned the 14 December attack against a UNIFIL convoy in southern Lebanon, following which a peacekeeper died and three were injured.
19 October 2022 SC/15069 This was a press statement commending the announcement that Lebanon and Israel have agreed to end their dispute over their maritime boundary.
7 July 2022 SC/14961 This statement took note of the appointment of Najib Mikati as Lebanon's prime minister and called for expediting the government’s formation.
Selected Human Rights Council Documents View All
23 November 2006 A/HRC/3/2 This was a report of the Commission of Inquiry on Lebanon.
Selected Reports of the UNIIIC View All
2 December 2008 S/2008/752 This letter transmitted the eleventh report of the International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC) looking into the assassination of Lebanese former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.
28 March 2008 S/2008/210 This was a UNIIIC report submitted by Commissioner Daniel Bellemare.
28 November 2007 S/2007/684 This was a UNIIIC report.
Selected Other Documents View All
10 March 2015 Special Tribunal for Lebanon Sixth Annual Report (2014-2015) This was the Sixth Annual Report (2014-2015) of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon