UN Documents for Somalia

Selected Security Council Resolutions View All
15 August 2024 S/RES/2748 This resolution extends the authorisation for the AU Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) until 31 December, and requests the Secretary-General, jointly with the AU Commission Chairperson and in consultations with Somalia and international stakeholders, to report on the overall mission design for the proposed successor mission by 15 November.
28 June 2024 S/RES/2741 This resolution extended the authorisation of ATMIS until 12 August.
1 December 2023 S/RES/2714 This resolution lifted the arms embargo on the Somali government, which was established by resolution 733 of 23 January 1992 and amended through subsequent resolutions.
Selected Security Council Presidential Statements View All
7 June 2018 S/PRST/2018/13 This was a presidential statement welcoming the conditions-based transition plan in Somalia for the progressive transfer of security responsibilities to national forces.
9 August 2017 S/PRST/2017/14 This was on the threat of famine in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and north-east Nigeria.
10 February 2017 S/PRST/2017/3 This presidential statement welcomed the conclusion of the electoral process.
Selected Secretary-General's Reports View All
3 June 2024 S/2024/426 This was the Secretary-General's report on the situation in Somalia, dated 3 June.
2 February 2024 S/2024/129 This was the Secretary-General's report on the situation in Somalia.
13 October 2023 S/2023/758 This was the Secretary-General's report on UNSOM, covering developments from 8 June to 5 October.
Selected Sanctions Committee Documents View All
2 October 2023 S/2023/724 This was the final report of the Panel of Experts assisting the 751 Al-Shabaab Sanctions Committee.
10 October 2022 S/2022/754 This was the final report of the Panel of Experts on Somalia, dated 10 October 2022.
15 October 2020 S/2020/1004 This was the report detailing the delivery of humanitarian assistance in Somalia and any impediments present by the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, as requested by resolution 2498 in 2019.
Selected Security Council Letters View All
9 January 2024 S/2024/35 Letter dated 9 January 2024 from the Permanent Representative of Mauritania to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council.
9 January 2024 S/2024/35 Letter dated 9 January 2024 from the Permanent Representative of Mauritania to the UN addressed to the President of the Security Council.
31 October 2023 S/2023/835 Letter dated 31 October 2023 from the President of the Security Council addressed to the Secretary-General.
Selected Security Council Meeting Records View All
24 June 2024 S/PV.9665 This was a meeting on the situation in Somalia.
22 June 2023 S/PV.9356 This was the meeting on the situation in Somalia.
22 February 2023 S/PV.9267 This meeting record was on the situation in Somalia.
Selected Security Council Press Statements View All
7 June 2023 SC/15313 This was Security Council's press statement on the situation in Las Anod.
18 September 2021 SC/14641 In this press statement, Council members expressed deep concern about the ongoing disagreement within the Somali Government and the negative impact on the electoral timetable and process. They urged all stakeholders to exercise restraint, and underlined the importance of maintaining peace, security and stability in Somalia.
1 June 2021 SC/14537 This press statement welcomed the welcomed the agreement reached on 27 May between the federal government of Somalia and its federal member states on the implementation of the 17 September 2020 electoral model. It also welcomed the commitment to hold peaceful, transparent, inclusive and credible elections within 60 days, which respect the agreed‑upon minimum 30 per cent women’s quota in Parliament.
Selected General Assembly Documents View All
24 June 2010 A/RES/64/287 This was the General Assembly resolution on financing of UN support to AMISOM for the period from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011.
23 June 2009 A/C.5/63/L.66 This was a draft resolution on financing of activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009).
7 April 2009 A/RES/63/275 This was the GA resolution on financing the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009).
Selected Human Rights Council Documents View All
28 September 2018 A/HRC/RES/39/23 The Human Rights Council adopted without a vote a resolution on assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights.
19 July 2018 A/HRC/39/72 This was the report of the independent expert on human rights in Somalia.
13 April 2016 A/HRC/32/12 This was the report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review on Somalia.
Selected Notes by the President of the Security Council View All
29 March 1995 S/1995/234 This note indicated that the Council agreed to implement measures to make the sanctions committees more transparent by, inter alia, increasing the practice of issuing press releases after Committee meetings.
Selected Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict Documents View All
13 July 2017 S/AC.51/2017/2 This was the conclusions of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict on children and armed conflict in Somalia.
Selected Other Documents View All
13 July 2007 S/2007/421/Corr.1 This was the corrigendum of the report of the Security Council mission to Addis Ababa, Khartoum, Accra, Abidjan and Kinshasa, from14 to 21 June 2007.
11 July 2007 S/2007/421 This was a report of the Security Council mission to Addis Ababa, Khartoum, Accra, Abidjan and Kinshasa, from14 to 21 June 2007.
2 July 2007 DP/DCP/SOM/1/Rev.1 This was the UNDP draft country programme document for Somalia (2008-2009).