UN Documents for Syria

Selected Security Council Resolutions View All
9 January 2023 S/RES/2672 This resolution extended the authorisation for the Syria cross-border aid mechanism for an additional six months, until 10 July 2023.
12 July 2022 S/RES/2642 This resolution reauthorised the cross-border humanitarian aid mechanism in Syria for six months until 10 January 2023 and required a separate resolution to extend the mandate for an additional six months until 10 July 2023.
8 July 2022 S/2022/541 This was the Russian draft on Syria cross-border assistance that received two affirmative votes (China and Russia) and failed to be adopted.
Selected Security Council Presidential Statements View All
22 November 2019 S/PRST/2019/14 This statement reaffirmed the Council’s strong support for the Chemical Weapons Convention and for the work of the OPCW in accordance with the Convention.
8 October 2019 S/PRST/2019/12 This was a presidential statement welcoming the Secretary-General’s announcement of the formation of the Constitutional Committee.
16 December 2015 S/PRST/2015/25 This was a presidential statement on trafficking in persons in situations of conflict, with a particular focus on ISIS and the impact on women and children.
Selected Secretary-General's Reports View All
24 August 2023 S/2023/621 This was the Secretary-General's 60-day report on the implementation of resolution 2672.
22 June 2023 S/2023/464 This was the Secretary-General's 60-day report on the implementation of resolution 2672.
9 June 2023 S/2023/419 This was the Secretary-General's special report on the humanitarian needs in Syria.
Selected Sanctions Committee Documents View All
20 October 2015 SC/12090 Included suggestions to member states for the implementation of resolution 2199 regarding the illicit financing of ISIS and Al-Nusra Front.
2 October 2015 SC/12067 This was the 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee listing of four ISIS-affiliated individuals and one individual affiliated with Al-Nusra Front.
30 September 2015 SC/12066 The 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee added one individual to its sanctions list for affiliation with ISIS.
Selected Security Council Letters View All
1 April 2024 S/2024/281 This was a letter from Iran, informing Council members about the attack on its diplomatic premises in Damascus on 1 April 2024.
16 January 2024 S/2024/71 Letter dated 16 January 2024 from the Permanent Representative of Iran to the UN addressed to the President of the Security Council.
29 December 2023 S/2023/1065 Letters dated 29 December 2023 from the Chargé d'affaires ad interim of the Permanent Mission of Syria to the UN addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council.
Selected Security Council Meeting Records View All
22 July 2024 S/PV.9690 This was a meeting on the political and humanitarian situations in Syria.
30 May 2024 S/PV.9640 This was a meeting on the political and humanitarian situations in Syria.
25 April 2024 S/PV.9618 This was a briefing on the political and humanitarian situation in Syria.
Selected Security Council Press Statements View All
29 April 2022 SC/14876 This was a press statement marking the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction (CWC).
10 March 2017 SC/12749 Council members welcomed the announcement by de Mistura of a clear agenda for future negotiations as indicated by resolution 2254.
31 January 2017 SC/12701 This welcomed the International Meeting on Syria held in Astana, Kazakhstan and took note of the joint statement adopted at the meeting by Iran, Russia and Turkey.
Selected General Assembly Documents View All
26 June 2023 A/77/L.79 A General Assembly resolution that established the Independent Institution on Missing Persons in the Syrian Arab Republic.
21 December 2016 A/RES/71/248 Established the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism to assist in the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the most serious crimes under international law committed in Syria since March 2011. The resolution was drafted by Liechtenstein and was passed with 105 votes in favour to 15 against with 52 abstentions.
9 December 2016 A/RES/71/130 Expressed outrage at the recent escalation of violence, particularly in Aleppo, and demanded an immediate and complete end to all attacks on civilians and civilian objects and to all sieges throughout the country. The resolution was drafted by Canada and was passed by 122 votes in favour to 13 against with 36 abstentions.
Selected Human Rights Council Documents View All
16 January 2020 A/HRC/43/CRP.6 This was a report on children’s rights published by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
24 September 2019 A/HRC/42/L.22 This was a resolution on human rights in Syria by a vote of 27 in favour, six against and 13 abstentions.
15 August 2019 A/HRC/42/51 This was a report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic.
Selected Other Documents View All
11 July 2023 S/2023/507 This was the draft resolution proposed by Russia which would have reauthorised the delivery of aid through the Bab al-Hawa border crossing for six months but failed to garner the necessary votes to pass.
11 July 2023 S/2023/506 This was the draft resolution proposed by the penholders on the Syria humanitarian file (Brazil and Switzerland) and vetoed by Russia, which would have reauthorised the delivery of aid through the Bab al-Hawa border crossing for nine months.
30 April 2021 OPCW S/1943/2021 This was the report of the OPCW Investigation and Identification Team (IIT), which sets out the findings of the investigations conducted in the period between April 2020 and March 2021, focusing on the incident in Saraqib, the Syrian Arab Republic, on 4 February 2018.